Zone 8 Report – 2021

Membership overview


The membership has been coping with the negative effects of the pandemic. Financial assistance was provided to affected members.

Keeping communication alive with members has been challenging, as well as motivating members to do distance latihan together. Members were reminded by WhatsApp of the Area 3 virtual latihan schedules, as well as the times for world and local latihan.

Each country has its own priorities according to its specific needs but there are some activities that are carried out jointly, such as campaigns for solidarity aid, which has created a great feeling of unity across our Zone.

The members with fewer years of latihan have expressed that they feel the need for accompaniment from more experienced members and helpers. Around 48% of these members have some knowledge about the structure and functioning of the organizational aspect of Subud. They feel the importance and need for frequent, respectful, and clear communication.


Communication and activities


The Zone 8 Council meets once a month. Information is distributed by email to 400 members and by WhatsApp to 210 members.

Activities throughout the year included the first virtual Zone 8 gathering, which enjoyed a wide participation of members. Subud Colombia hosted virtual ‘Enlace’ meetings. Simultaneous Area 3 latihans have also been ongoing, and kejiwaan workshops have been held via Zoom.

Collecting donations for the organization has been difficult this year, but we were able keep our WSA donation pledge.


Wings activities, enterprises and centerprises


Virtual interviews with Subud entrepreneurs from different parts of the world were programmed every two weeks to motivate the creation of enterprises.

Subud Colombia and SICA Latin America presented cultural activities and interesting interviews every two weeks.

Susila Dharma, Care Support, Area 3 International Helpers, national and local helpers, national committees the zonal treasurer and Zone Representative, all worked together to support members with medical and other needs.