Zone 6 Report – 2021

Membership Overview


Finances are a consistent challenge, and the pandemic has worsened the situation. What little that was received in member contributions is no longer incoming. As a result, there is no money to travel and no regular visits to countries. The availability of experienced helpers is also limited, partly due to there being little access to physical copies of Bapak’s and Ibu’s talks.

In Angola and Benin, latihan is held in members’ houses. In Benin, this had to stop due to noise problems, and there is a feeling of isolation amongst the members. In Congo Brazzaville the situation is not good because of the lack of a room for latihan and other problems. In Algeria, the political instability means its core of dedicated but isolated members can only get together occasionally. There are also some members in Senegal, which is in the process of becoming a WSA member country.


Communication and activities


Due to lack of funds, communication and activities in the Zone are very limited. Communication is only via emails and phone calls, and there were no Zone meetings or National Congresses in 2021. It is hoped that a joint Zone 5 and 6 meeting will be possible before the next World Congress.

A donation of USD 2,000 was made by Zone 3 to Zone 6 to support communication. This was used to purchase four laptops for the zonal and national committees, including Angola.


Wing activities, enterprises and centerprises


The Democratic Republic of Congo is the only country with wing activities, and its own Subud houses. There are Susila Dharma Congo healthcare projects in Kingantoko and Kwilu Ngongo.