Zone 3 Report – 2021

Membership overview


This was not an easy year – The pandemic prevented members from doing latihan in their groups for long periods of time. Many members stayed connected using Zoom, WhatsApp or similar platforms.

Some members/groups were challenged in dealing with polarizing responses towards the outer circumstances, but by the end of the year things had mostly calmed down. Some of the older members have not come back to in group latihan (yet), while younger members seemed less affected by the pandemic. There were even some openings here and there.

Subud Britain went through a deep crisis and the national council needs time to get back on track.


Communication and activities


Because of the lack of in-person meetings, online communications were abundant. SICA and SIHA Britain were active in organizing presentations and social gatherings that were well attended.

Most national congresses were held on Zoom, but France and Britain held in-person congresses alongside a Zoom connection, and Spain had a full in-person congress in Alicante.

The Zone Council continued to meet every month and the zonal magazine continued to be issued every three months.

A two-day Zone 3 AGM was held on Zoom and was open to all the members and, among other things, dealt with property issues.


Wings activities, enterprises and centerprises


Centerprises in the Zone lost income as activities were very limited during a big part of the year due to COVID related restrictions.

Subud Portugal has been working hard on a development plan for the Bucelas site and has raised interest among several members to participate in this project. A project to develop an eco-village in France got delayed but is still taking place.

Members from various countries set up a language service enterprise called E-Lango.

The Wings are promoting the online Subud Village platform where they hope to engage more members.