Zone 1 & 2 Report – 2021

Membership overview


Zone 1 & 2 consists of a diverse group of countries. Australia, New Zealand and Japan have  well-developed national organizations. Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand have smaller groups and their Subud houses are well utilized. Indonesia has a large membership with many active youth.

While most countries work separately, each is interested in other countries’ activities, and there is much awareness of being part of the wider Zone.


Communication and activities


COVID affected the ability to hold in-person meetings in many countries. The Australian National Congress was held via Zoom over a week in January, with international observers also participating. Japan also held a Congress via Zoom. New Zealand managed to have an in-person National Congress during a weekend in February.

All official WSA information was communicated to the Zone via email and WhatsApp, with some countries participating more actively than others. Due to lockdowns, groups could sometimes not meet for latihan. Some groups introduced a communication network, via WhatsApp, which often increased the level of connection than prior to COVID.

India has had difficulties coordinating a unified national organization after internal disputes. The WSA team met with all groups in India, over a series of Zoom meetings, to encourage greater participation within the national organization, and a new constitution for Subud India was drafted for consultation.

A Zone 1 & 2 Meeting was held via Zoom in early December, which was attended by most countries. It was a chance for each country to share news and updates.


Wings activities, enterprises and centerprises


Income from Subud properties in Australia and New Zealand was drastically reduced by COVID lockdowns. However, Australia’s expenses for National Helper travel were severely curtailed due to travel restrictions, resulting in a reasonably healthy financial situation.

Many countries within the Zone contribute to the WSA, with Australia, Japan and New Zealand being the major consistent donors. Considering its small size, Singapore is now a committed donor to the WSA.

The Sekolah Cita Buana school in Jakarta makes an annual enterprise donation. An Australian charity, Dharma Care, supports developing communities in Australia and overseas. Australia and Indonesia have many members involved in a range of wing activities.