Jakarta, 23 July 2023
Members of the World Subud Association,
The Chair of Subud National Organizations
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
We trust that you are all in good health and spirit.
The World Subud Council Periodic Zoom meeting held on the 2nd of July 2023 was broadcast live via the WSA YouTube channel, and the topic of Subud World Congress 2024 was discussed. At the meeting, the Council members unanimously agreed to propose an alternate date for the 2024 World Congress (originally planned for January). This is due to January being too close to the Indonesian Presidential election in February 2024, which requires reinforcement of national and regional police to safeguard the democratic election process. WSA therefore could not get a guarantee from the Government that we would be able to obtain the required event permit for the Congress at least six months beforehand.
Based on intensive consultation with the Government and discussion with representatives of your Zones and the Council members, we propose the next World Congress in Kalimantan to be held on 18th – 28th July 2024. The national presidential election in Indonesia will take place in February 2024, so the Subud World Congress would be shifted from January 2024 to July 2024, with WSA now seeking to obtain the required permit for July. Depending on the delegates program, the exact dates may shift by one or two days as the program development evolves during preparation by the World Congress Organizing Team.
With the next World Congress moved to July 2024, the term of duty for the current International Officers of the Subud organizations will extend for one more year.
Regarding the Zone Representatives, who are appointed by the Country Members of the respective Zones, the WSA recommends that the current Zone Representatives continue to serve until the coming World Congress to preserve the continuation of work and coordination that has been developing during this term. However, WSA will respect any other decisions taken by the Country Members concerning this matter.
Consequently, all deadlines in connection with the submission of proposals and applications, as indicated in the Guidelines for the 16th World Congress, will also shift following the new proposed starting date of the World Congress, 18 July 2024.
Suyono Sumohadiwidjojo
WSA Executive Chair