Photo: The International Helpers in Rungan Sari, Kalimantan. Front row (L-R): Kohar, Rusdi, Hoan Tuan, Halinah, Beata, Grace, Isti, Lucia, Helena, Herminah. Back row (L-R) Sudarmadji, M. Mustafa, Michael, Anwar, Manuel, Elisabeth, Raymond, Suzanna. (Photo: Bjorn Vaughn)
Kalimantan, Indonesia February 2-15, 2025
For the first time since testing at the World Congress in Kalimantan, the entire Dewan of International Helpers (IHs) met together – returning to where it all started – Rungan Sari in Kalimantan. Five of the IHs returned from the last term; four had served before that, and the rest were new to the experience.
What began as 17 IHs quickly became a full dewan of 18 after Rusdi Bustillo was tested by the male IHs for Area 1 in Rungan Sari. This was after testing was done at the Australian and Indonesian Congresses.
One of the main goals of the gathering was to feel together in the kejiwaan. By the end of the two weeks, after sharing meals and experiences and through the Latihan, by the grace of Almighty God, we all felt a certain ‘oneness.’ Each day, our meetings became lighter, and we were able to come to a consensus on many issues that were brought up in our Areas.
Discussions were broad, ranging from helper card distribution to safeguarding and helper development and our plans for the upcoming World Subud Council meeting in Fatima.
We will continue to work from this feeling of inner closeness that developed in Rungan Sari when we have our regular Dewan meetings online to discuss and share topics that concern our Subud communities.
We also had the opportunity to meet with the WSA Chair, Rifka Several, the ISC Chair, Arifin Konrad, and the new WCOT Chair, Hamid Da Silva. Together, we widened our capacity to work together over the next 3,5 years.
Hannah Baerveldt, the new SICA chair who lives nearby, also gave us an overview of planned activities. IHs also met with Youth coordinator Miranda Wild.
One of the highlights of the meeting was the online Helper sessions, in which the IHs invited helpers from around the world to join together. Latihan and testing were done offline, of course, and then everyone came back for some sharing. The feeling was incredible, with many helpers saying they felt such a connection with their brothers and sisters from around the world. One sister remarked that it was the best Latihan she had in years! From Congo to Chile, more than 400 helpers took part in two sessions.
At the end of our meeting, the IHs slowly began to depart. As we said our goodbyes from the Rungan Sari Resort, we looked forward to seeing each other at the next council meeting in July. A few IHs stayed an extra day and went on a boat trip down the Rungan River, where they spotted exotic birds and Borneo’s famous orangutans. A place that echoed the beginning of time.