However, since we are human beings living in this world, who need food and clothing and who need
to look after ourselves so that we are at peace and secure in society, as well as worshipping God we need to create
an organisation, so that we can organise ourselves in the way people normally do in this world. Of course the way
we organise ourselves needs to be adjusted to the conditions of our local society, and also to the laws and regulations
of the country we are in.Therefore we need to formulate statutes that do not go against the laws and regulations
of our country, nor the principles and aims of Subud.

Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo
64 MLG 1, Malang 22 May 1966, Bapak’s Talks Volume 11, AT
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However, since we are human beings living in this world, who need food and clothing and who need to look after ourselves so that we are at peace and secure in society, as well as worshipping God we need to create an organisation, so that we can organise ourselves in the way people normally do in this world. Of course the way we organise ourselves needs to be adjusted to the conditions of our local society, and also to the laws and regulations of the country we are in.Therefore we need to formulate statutes that do not go against the laws and regulations of our country, nor the principles and aims of Subud.

Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo
64 MLG 1, Malang 22 May 1966, Bapak’s Talks Volume 11, AT
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Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo was born in central Java, Indonesia in 1901. He died in 1987 on the morning after his 86th birthday. He is referred to affectionately by Subud members as “Bapak”, an Indonesian term of respect meaning “father” or “sir”. 

Bapak was the first person to receive “latihan kejiwaan Subud”, and he subsequently toured the world giving explanations and answering questions about the path of Subud. 

International Helpers

News and Updates

Area 1

The International Helpers Area 1 covering Asia and Australia which serve the members in zone 1 and 2.

Area 2

The International Helpers Area 2 covering Europe and Africa which serve the members in zone 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Area 3

The International Helpers Area 3 covering the Americas which serve the members in zone 7,8, and 9.

Looking for Secretary/Administrator

Call for WSA Secretary and Administrator

Dear brothers and sisters,
The ISC is looking for WSA Secretary & WSA Administrator to fill the position being vacated by Pudji Wahuni Purbo end of January 2025. She will be staying on until then to ensure a smooth transition for her replacement. The role of the secretary and of the administrator may be combined in one person as happened in the previous terms.

Events Calendar

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MSF & Affiliates

The Muhammad Subuh Foundation (MSF) is the foundation established by the WSA for the long-term development of Subud. The Subud organisation includes specialist affiliate organisations to support members working in the world in social and cultural activities.