Beata, Isti, Lucia and Anwar at Subud Spain National Congress
To begin our work, we started with Zoom meetings each Monday for Area 2. We now have one Zoom meeting per month for all 18 IHs. We find it very helpful to do remote latihan as a starting point with the video and audio switched off.
As a first priority, we felt that we should be in contact with our members in Ukraine and Lebanon, who experience very difficult times and hardship, and we activate this regularly. A Zoom call with members from Russia followed.
We also attend remotely regular Zone Council meetings of the several zones in our area and support the WSA team, ISC, the several subcommittees e.g. archives and Wing meetings as liaisons.
Visit to Fatima
In October 2024 we had the great opportunity to meet in-person and get to know each other better in Portugal, hosted by Hamid and Isti da Silva in Porto. From there we visited the Lisbon group and Fatima, looking at the possible places for the Worldcongress, we met with representatives of the sanctuary. Some IHs from Area 1 & 3, WSA chair Rifka Several, her Deputy Hannah de Roo and ISC Chair Arifin Konrad joined later, also members from Spain.
We are also busy establishing contacts in the enormous and faraway continent of Africa and are part of several WhatsApp groups. We already started Zooms with Zone 5 (english-speaking) Africa.
Michael: “Our cooperation is clearly based on following our latihan and our trust in the Almighty. We feel the great benefit of following Bapak’s guidance and advice.”
In Wolfsburg, Germany, about 80 people participated in the National Congress. Activities were divided between the famous Subud House “Forsthaus” and the “Park Hotel”. The congress started with an Art exhibition by Subud members, followed by a concert. The next day was devoted to kejiwaan activities. One of the main topics was discussing and testing forgiveness.
The French National Congress was held in Sete, in the South of France. About 50 members participated. The IHs met daily with the National Dewan.
Beata (middle) with her husband Michael and Lilian
“The members we met at the Congress were very warm and dedicated to the Latihan and to Subud. Susila Dharma is also very active, and of course, the French food is the best! Beata said.
Upcoming travels:
Two helpers are attending the Portuguese National Congress April 4-5. Five are attending the Italian National Congress April 25-27th meeting with helpers on the 24th; Four IH2 are attending the zone 3 meeting in Lisbon, Portugal April 28-May 4th and six IHs plan to be at the Zone 4 meeting and German National Congress August 4-10, celebrating 60 years of Subud Germany.
For autumn we plan visits to Austria, Norway & Spain.