Area 3 International Helper Visits 2023
In July, 2023 four international Helpers from area 3 (Kohar, Joan, Halinah and Illène) visited
In July, 2023 four international Helpers from area 3 (Kohar, Joan, Halinah and Illène) visited
February to July 2023 During this period members of the International Helpers Dewan have visited
WORLD SUBUD ASSOCIATION, Inc Executive Office Mail & Correspondence Address: Jalan Paso No. 84, Jakarta
Jakarta, 23 July 2023 Members of the World Subud Association, The Chair of Subud National
Links to World Subud Congress Guidelines: EN FR SP Dear All, A reminder, if you
WORLD CONGRESS LOCATION Click Here to Read Full Document WSA Bylaws 3.4 The Year of
On May 12th, Illene Pevec, Joan Fromme, Humphrey Williams and Benedict Herrman toured Eastern Canada.
KEJIWAAN GATHERING 5 MAY 2023 The 64th annual national congress (Year of 2023) and a Keijwaan
The Subud Zone 9 – 2023 meeting was held in Santiago, Chile from April 29th
July 20 was the 32nd birthday of Amanecer. We celebrated in the Wuindio salon where
Photo: The International Helpers in Rungan Sari, Kalimantan. Front row (L-R): Kohar, Rusdi, Hoan Toan,
Full Area 3 Dewan meets with members of Subud Mexico The entire Area 3 Dewan
Beata, Isti, Lucia and Anwar at Subud Spain National Congress To begin our work, we