April 12 to  April 27, 2024

Valentin Pizzi, Alan Boyd, Harina Easty, and Kamilia Konrad)

Reflection of Kamilia 

MALAWI -Blantyre

We flew via Addis Ababa to Blantyre in Malawi and arrived on April 13,2024. 

For one week we were  kindly hosted by a Subud brother and his family who looked after us all with great love and care.

Among the approximately 70 members of the Subud group in Blantyre we found many young ones who do the Latihan with sincerity and diligence  in the beautiful Subud house there.

A group with many young members who want to worship God Almighty and experience the Latihan in its depth has a special dynamic.

It was a very intense and blessed week filled with Latihan in the group and also special Latihan with members who asked for personal testing. 

We met with the helpers and tested the new Kejiwaan Councillor for the women. There was also a Kejiwaan meeting during the week and a Selamatan in the group on the last evening.

Malawi – Valentin, Alan, Kamilia, Harina – April 2024

SOUTH AFRICA –  Johannesburg 

On April 20,2024 we flew to Johannesburg.

There, two of us stayed in an apartment (together with two Subud sisters from Durban and Pretoria) which we also used for Latihan and testing and the others were hosted by a Subud brother.

We visited the nice Subud House in Johannesburg and did Latihan there.

Afterwards we sat in the garden and talked together.

The group here is not big but consists of long standing experienced Subud members. It was pointed out that the members want to connect again on a regular basis (also with the sisters of Durban and Pretoria) for Latihan and meetings after isolation during covid time.

We tested the new Zone 5 representative out of two candidates and were very happy about the positive result.

JoBurg – Sharif Quiblier, New Zone 5 Representative -2024


On April 23,2024 we flew to Cape Town and checked into a hotel. 

Next morning we drove to the nice Subud house. The group received us heartedly.

The program for the 3 days in Cape Town was Latihan in the morning (except Friday where we had a little trip through Cape Town to see the sea and the nature) and Latihan in the evening, open for whatever comes up during our stay.

We did Latihan and testing – in the group and personally.

The men tested a new National Helper and Kejiwaan Councillor , the women tested the new Kejiwaan Councillor for the ladies.

On the last evening there were also two openings in the men’s group and the ladies tested for a new name for a baby to come.

Our brothers and sisters in Africa were very thankful to be visited and to feel the connection with the entire Subud family, the confirmation that they are part of it and very much needed. Sometimes they feel closed off because they are so far away. Life circumstances are completely different to Europe for example and the countries there are not so safe.

Thanks to God Almighty, the Latihan were very strong, enriching us with strength and insights, connecting us all. We felt the importance of knowing each other, helping each other and giving each other strength.

We thank all our brothers and sisters we met for their love and care and pray that they stay well and safe.

Reflection of Alan Boyd:

MALAWI -Blantyre

We were hosted for the week by one family and looked after with a real sense of brotherhood and generosity. We also met with individual families for dinner and conversation. 

We had several opportunities to do Latihan and testing with members, helpers and some individuals. We experienced the sincerity, commitment and trust in the Latihan shown by the membership – a membership that has grown to over 80 men and women in recent years. The country chair, Waseem, and the male Kejiwaan Councillor,  Sofian will be attending World Congress.

IH2 with Subud Group Malawi – April 2024 

SOUTH AFRICA – Johannesburg

During our 2 days in Johannesburg Alan and Valentin stayed with Sharif Quiblier and his wife. We met with the, now, small group for an evening meal. I was unable to take part in the Latihan and testing that took place on the first morning but joined for the testing of Zone Representative candidates for Zone 5, in the afternoon. The testing  resulted in the appointment of Sharif Quiblier as the Zone Representative, starting on the next term after the 16th World Congress in Kalimantan, in July 2024. Sharif accompanied us in our visit to the Cape Town group. Again, the hospitality shown, the commitment to the Latihan were a wonderful example of Subud brotherhood. 


During our stay in Cape Town we were aware of a strong group whose numbers were increased by the opening of 2 young men while we were there. We also took part in the testing for a new name for one of the men. Latihan and testing were well attended and strong and we experienced the positive and lively social life of the group  with shared meals and a barbecue. As with our whole visit to both countries (Malawi and South Africa), the welcome and the sense of brotherhood was wonderful – I have not hugged so much in a long time!

Reflections from Valentin 

MALAWI – Blantyre

We went there and met our family from Subud of Malawi. We stayed for a week and so there was time to share every moment of every day. From the morning starting with breakfast and then Latihan, testing, talking, sharing, answering questions from some Subud members. 

There was a beautiful helper meeting where after Latihan and some tests we sat in a circle and talked. And all that emerged was in a crescendo of closeness of warmth and love talking about Subud of Babak remembering Ibu Rahayu, and in that talk seeing our own life from when we joined Subud to today and the journey of each of us. And all this with a feeling of sincere gratitude to Almighty God for this great gift of the Latihan of Subud. These were blessed days, always filled with respect trust and love. 

We also had the opportunity to do personal tests and those were also an enriching experience. We had beautiful days and moments of great joy in being together. And then in that beautiful Subud house in Blantyre where we did Latihan, awakening tests, personal tests and tests that arose spontaneously at that time by God’s grace. 

Every moment of this trip was guided by Latihan and everything was done with simplicity, naturalness and a family life. 

One of the joys is that Malawi will finally be represented by two delegates at the 16th World Congress in Kalimantan for the first time; The Chairperson and Kejiwaan Councillor.

The Subud Malawi Group is young everyone remembers Ruslan Moore when he came to Malawi for an important book conference and from there he was able to talk about Subud and witness many openings. Today there are about 80 members all over Malawi and they are constant most of them in Subud’s Latihan which is important and part of their life. 

One week was the right time because it gave us this opportunity to be together. 

These few words are to express this feeling of gratitude to Almighty God for the gift we received. In that week we walked the path of Subud together, experienced getting to know each other and always being close and discovering that we are truly brothers and sisters. All happened in the beautiful Subud House made available by a brother of the group. 

We thank all our brothers and sisters and our Malawian family for the wonderful hospitality and for all the moments we experienced together in the name of the merciful and forgiving God, always.

Alan, Kamilia, Harina, Zarifah (KC), Valentin and Sofian (KC) – Malawi- Blantyre


For me it was the fourth time visiting South Africa to the Johannesburg and Cape Town groups. Also here, as in Malawi, I found again this feeling of love warmth closeness and brotherhood, even stronger and deeper than before, our South African family. 

SOUTH AFRICA – Johannesburg

In Johannesburg although the group is shrinking because some are no longer there and Others have moved to other countries, the warmth and welcome and quality of Latihan has been wonderful. 

We tested for the new Zone 5 Representative who is Sharif Quiblier. He lives in Johannesburg. 

On the morning of the first day we went to Subud House which is in good condition. Part of it has been rented but the two Latihan rooms are available at all times. 

After some personal tests and some general tests we all sat together and the group shared with us the current moment of the group as a group and as part of Subud South Africa. 

Also present was the Kejiwaan Councilor and her sister who are part of the Durban group. 

It emerged the ‘importance of the union between the 3 South African groups, meeting regularly two or three times a year. Durban and Johannesburg are now small groups while Cape Town is the largest and growing. 

We stayed for three days and at every moment a feeling of gratitude to Almighty God for this gift of the Latihan that guides our lives. All the time a feeling of love and unity between us with joy and much laughing…..    We don’t know if we will meet again because age doesn’t stop but it doesn’t matter, we are connected  inside of us, to each other, we are part of the Subud Family. 


In Cape Town there is a beautiful Subud house. Two nice rooms for Latihan and a living room for meeting and living together. On the second floor a nicely renovated apartment has been rented so the group has income which is important, also a dependance has been rented to another tenant. 

The group is wonderful!  For me, also here I found again that feeling of love that has been going on for years and years and never dies in fact it is always stronger. 

It was a rich days because in addition to the Latihan and the awakening tests and some personal tests and other tests that came unexpectedly there were moments of sharing, all together, talking, answering questions sharing news about the world congress news in general about what is happening in the Subud world.  Everyone expressing themselves in a feeling of absolute freedom of respect of love and naturalness in speaking  and in being together. There was no lack of joy and laughter!!! A true family here as well. 

One of the most beautiful things I will always remember is that at the end of each Latihan and test session, in addition to the general hug between all of us we hugged each other with joy with happiness with smiles and thanking each other and thanking God. 

For me this was a great gift that was given to us. And also here, as in Malawi, as in Johannesburg once again the confirmation that if we follow the Latihan and surrender ourselves to God to His Guidance  everything comes, everything goes, and what comes is the right thing. 

Some Subud members, and this happens everywhere, sometimes slowdown in doing Latihan, in going to the Subud houses. We are witnessing that  the international Helpers’ trips to countries are helpful and are an opportunity for people to reconnect with others and….. with themselves; and find the joy of being together again. 

A greater awareness of the importance of the Subud family and the gift we have received from God.

Surely this is a divine miracle and can only come from Almighty God. And so the feeling of love and gratitude to Bapak Subuh who passed on the Latihan to us by God’s will becomes strong and we remember Him in our speeches with stories and the advice he gave us. This is also the case for Ibu Rahayu, she is always remembered by everyone with great love!!

Thank you to all our dear brothers in Malawi and South Africa with respect and love. 

IH2 with Subud Group Cape Town – April 2024