IHs visit to Australia and Indonesia

The beginning of the year was a busy time for Area 1 IHs, starting with the Australian National Congress (see the article “Visiting Down Under”) and ending with the IH 18 meeting in Rungan Sari, Kalimantan. In late January, the Dewan attended the Indonesian National Congress, which coincided with the 100th commemoration of Bapak’s receiving the Latihan.

The IHs met with the new National Dewan – six men and six women who cover seven regions and 2000+ members.

“It was very important to meet with the Indonesian National Helper Dewan, who generously made time to meet with us prior to the first day of their National Congress,” said Hermina.

The IHs met altogether initially to discuss any issues or concerns about the spiritual progress of the membership of Subud Indonesia. The ladies were then able to do latihan and testing. Afterward, we left the space so the men could do their kejiwaan work. 

“The men did Latihan together and tested the same questions about helper work as the women. It was a very nice latihan, and at the end, we all felt connected,” said Sudarmadji.

Hermina said the ladies also shared their receiving, and the discussion broadened, so everyone shared on many different topics, our understanding, our experiences, and our experiences as sisters together. 

“We experienced the everyday miracle of Subud, of people from different cultures, languages, and life experiences, feeling as close as sisters and brothers,” said Hermina.

The IHs are now working with the national Dewan to plan visits and identify the needs of different groups. 

About nine Japanese members came to Semarang for the commemoration, which provided an unexpected opportunity for Latihan and testing and to get to know each other. We also discussed the possibility of visiting Japan sometime this year.

The Dewan also held Zoom meetings to introduce themselves to Zone reps. KCs and NHs.