Full Area 3 Dewan meets with members of Subud Mexico
The entire Area 3 Dewan met for the first time in Mexico, which provided a valuable opportunity for the international helpers to deepen their capacity to work together and plan future visits to countries. The trip strengthened the connection and harmony among Subud members in Mexico, fostered harmony, and provided ample space for Kejiwaan work.
The visit began in Mexico City, where the IH Dewan met with members to discuss the inner growth and unity as a group, to do testing, and to plan for the future. This was followed by a wonderful gathering in Tlaxcala, where activities focused on Kedjiwan development.
Activities culminated with the well-attended National Kedjiwan Gathering in Puebla. This was a significant event that brought members together from across the country. One of the highlights of the gathering was the wonderful participation of an emerging Subud group from Veracruz, whose enthusiasm and energy enriched the event. Another highlight was a deep sense of harmony and respect among all Subud members in Mexico.
Kohar: “Our Dewan was grateful for the love, harmony, and the coming together of all the groups in Mexico.”
Subud USA Helper’s Development Meeting
The IHs were also invited by the Subud USA National Dewan to a Helper Development weekend in San Jose, California, in February, in which 27 men and 43 women helpers participated. Kohar, Halinah, and Hoan Tuan were able to attend. WSA Chair Rifka Several and MSF Chair Elaina Dodson also attended.
On the first evening, the IHs and NHs met to discuss the format for the gathering. They decided to follow a similar event in the UK in the mid-1980s. Hoan Tuan recalls that Bapak had suggested the gathering and the format, which included small group testing.
One of the highlights was awareness testing, with one helper asking the question, one receiving, and one witnessing. The gathering ended with a feeling of joy, and all helpers prayed to God to forgive any mistakes they made when working as helpers.
Area 3 also had Zoom meetings with the zone reps in Colombia & Venezuela.
Vists to Subud Chile and Argentina over Eastern Week.