Members In Zone 1 & 2 Are Active & Engaged, But It Is Aging With Fewer New Members
Membership overview Zone 1 & 2 consists of 11 member countries, and there are
Membership overview Zone 1 & 2 consists of 11 member countries, and there are
Membership overview Zone 8 members are mostly middle-aged and older, but there are a
Membership overview In addition to the 13 member countries, there are Subud members in
Membership overview Finances are a consistent challenge, and the pandemic has worsened the situation
Membership overview In Zone 7 there is a desire to increase wings activities, especially
Membership overview In addition to the four-member countries in the Zone, there are Subud
Photo: The International Helpers in Rungan Sari, Kalimantan. Front row (L-R): Kohar, Rusdi, Hoan Toan,
Full Area 3 Dewan meets with members of Subud Mexico The entire Area 3 Dewan
Beata, Isti, Lucia and Anwar at Subud Spain National Congress To begin our work, we