Proposals for World Subud Congress 2024
Links to World Subud Congress Guidelines: EN FR SP Dear All, A reminder, if you
Links to World Subud Congress Guidelines: EN FR SP Dear All, A reminder, if you
The Subud Zone 9 – 2023 meeting was held in Santiago, Chile from April 29th
Membership Overview There is a harmonious relationship between the countries in our Zone. The
Membership overview The membership has been coping with the negative effects of the pandemic.
Membership overview The main challenge of 2021 was the inability to gather and do
Membership Overview Finances are a consistent challenge, and the pandemic has worsened the situation.
Membership overview The COVID pandemic has continued to create a challenging situation in Zone
Membership overview Not surprisingly, the greatest challenge during 2021 was the COVID issue. In
Membership overview This was not an easy year – The pandemic prevented members from
Membership overview Zone 1 & 2 consists of a diverse group of countries. Australia,
Re: WSA Archives Canberra Facility 1. After a period of negotiations with First Sheds in
April 12 to April 27, 2024 Valentin Pizzi, Alan Boyd, Harina Easty, and Kamilia Konrad)